Monday, July 2, 2012

So many firsts...

Since I last posted (and it's been ages--I know), we have experienced many "firsts" with our sweet girl.

June 4: Firth completed bottle!

June 11: First Growth Hormone shot (and every day since)!

June 17: First Father's Day with the best daddy ever!

June 28: First EEG (note the post-EEG hairdo)!

July 1: First day without any tube feedings (5 feedings completely on her own!)!!!

July 2: First laugh!

Yes, she laughed! We were putting big sister to bed when she just belted out this big, short giggle. It was so sweet! We got about 5 more out of her before she passed out cold. And I cried. Tears of pure joy because I know just how precious those little sounds are.

God is SO good.


  1. Uncle Thomas said: You rock (Aerin: 5 bottle feedings!)

  2. So awesome! Love all these great milestones and love to see those smiles :)

  3. What wonderful news. So good to hear she had a day of no tube feeding. Praying that everyday will be like July 1st. What a precious smile she has. Loving you all, Hannah~
