Friday, May 4, 2012

99 Balloons

A friend recently sent me an email with the subject "99 Balloons." It turns out that her niece and her niece's husband gained a powerful testimony through the birth, life and death of their little boy, Eliot. Grab a box of tissues and watch their story here:

Their story reminds me of how God is always at work in us, helping us turn our heartache into joy. In Him, death gives way to life, disability reveals ability, and pain reflects glory. I love how this couple allowed their hearts to remain fertile ground for His work and out of their son's life came 99 Balloons.

One precious part of their organization is to provide Prayer Cards--cards featuring a special needs child from another country--to those willing to pray. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to open our homes and hearts to those with disabilities!

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